Creature ID
This creature's name is
Hietsun Paviljonki - Art of Research Pavillion #4
It is a(n)
Care space
Its age is considered
1 week
Its presence is commonly sensed during
Midday - Afternoon
Afternoon - Evening
Evening - Midnight
Creature's story
This year’s Research Pavilion includes nearly forty exhibitions, concerts, performances, discussions, and workshops, which the audience can enjoy. Over sixty artists and researchers take part in the activities of the Pavilion.
Artistic research is manifested in the exhibited works and events in many ways. Research may provide the starting point, background or method to the works and projects, or it may be their essence.
Artistic research is manifested in the exhibited works and events in many ways. Research may provide the starting point, background or method to the works and projects, or it may be their essence.
Created in