Creature ID
This creature's name is
Wind in the beach
It is a(n)
Its age is considered
very old
Its presence is commonly sensed during
Creature's story
One view to this: Near the ocean, the beach sands and roads heat up much quicker and get much hotter than the ocean water. This uneven heating of Earth sets up areas of different air pressure zones—the hotter areas being low pressure and the cooler areas being high pressure.
Whenever this occurs, the lighter, less dense air from warmer low pressure zones will rise and be replaced with the heavier, denser, and colder air of the high pressure zones. This horizontal movement of air from high to low is wind... and there is usually loads by the beach
Whenever this occurs, the lighter, less dense air from warmer low pressure zones will rise and be replaced with the heavier, denser, and colder air of the high pressure zones. This horizontal movement of air from high to low is wind... and there is usually loads by the beach
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