Creature ID
This creature's name is
Carbon Tree
It is a(n)
Its age is considered
Its presence is commonly sensed during
Creature's story
A very special scots pine helping humans to grasp the carbon sink capacities of a forest. Carbon Tree animation is based on the measurements at the SMEAR II station and on the Carbon Tree website ( you can monitor how the medium-sized pine in Southern Finland exchanges carbon dioxide in real time.
The Carbon Tree is a part of the Climate Whirl art-science program, which aims to increase public awareness of the interaction between forests and climate and to provide a holistic and general understanding of the forefront of climate and ecosystem research.
The Carbon Tree is a part of the Climate Whirl art-science program, which aims to increase public awareness of the interaction between forests and climate and to provide a holistic and general understanding of the forefront of climate and ecosystem research.
Created in